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Rhine clean up day route Rees-Reeserward

Rhine Clean Up Day 2018

Guys, it’s done! Together with the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Grietherbusch Branch and Research Station of the Zoological Institute of the University of Cologne, we worked hard yesterday to clean up part of the banks of the Rhine.

It was a great success! In total we collected with 12 people.

12 people, 1 km of Rhine bank, certainly 200 kg (rather more) and 3-4 m³ of rubbish…

A big thank you goes to the City Voss butcher’s shop, which catered for us with a fantastic meal. Everyone was delighted!

Thanks also to the Schönmackers company, who provided containers in our area in which all the rubbish was collected.
We provided gloves, buckets and bin bags and organised the removal of the mountain of rubbish with our van.

All in all, a great campaign! Hopefully again next year, so: Safe the date – Rhine clean up day 2019, probably again in September 😉 More helping hands – less rubbish!

Rhine Clean Up Day 2018 nature2aqua nature conservation centre Kreis Kleve University of Cologne