Banana leaves for aquarium

2,49 8,99 

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Banana leaves for aquarium


Banana leaves for aquarium

The leaves of the banana trees in Asia are used as well as the leaves and bark of Terminalia catappa as preventive and curative treatment in aquatics. Here in particular by Thai fighting fish breeders, because they

  • promote the healing of injuries such as bites
  • promote spawning
  • reduces stress
  • promote the color intensity of the fish and
  • strengthen the skin of the fish.

They are successfully used for prevention and treatment of fin rot, ectoparasites, hole disease and spawn mold, so wherever to harmful fungi and bacteria spread.
The effect wears off after 1-2 weeks. The sheets can remain in the aquarium.

Our banana leaves are from Indian Gardens, who specializes in the cultivation of these and other suitable for the aquarium plants. They are washed after harvest, and dried in the sun. They are of high quality and free from contaminants.

For prevention, increase of color intensity and welfare of the fish per fish 1-2 leaves, in densely populated tanks correspondingly less.
For intensive treatment of diseases and promote spawning 1 leaf on 3-5 liters of water. A combination with Indian almond bark is recommended.

Depending on the batch/delivery, the weights and sizes of the banana leaves vary, so we pack in weight units. The weights of the leaves range from 0.4 to 1 g per leaf, so the amount of leaves in the bag may vary.

Additional information

Weight 0,00 kg
Package size

5 g, 15 g, 30 g