In addition to a number of catfish, I also have 2 pairs of Geophagus neambi in my large paludarium, which I acquired as juveniles in 2013. The animals are now around 20-23 cm in size and one of the pairs recently produced young larvae, which we were able to observe for the first time on 30 October 2017. Two days later, I decided to remove a few of the juveniles from the tank, as they would certainly not have stood a chance in the long term in the large tank. The young larvae were transferred to one of the tanks in my breeding facility on 1 November 2017 and from then on fed with SAK mix (powdered food), frozen Moina and an Artemia nauplii paste.
The animals were estimated to be around 6-7 mm in size at the time. Today, around 10 days later, they have reached a size of 15-17 mm, which is quite a decent growth. And they have become much shyer and are not so easy to photograph. Nevertheless, a lively flock of around 25-30 animals, which gives me a lot of pleasure.