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Operation of new breeding room – setting up the aquariums and fish

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken Ldumus rot

And what do the pools look like? Well, quite simply, come and have a look. I can only post a few pictures here (and I’m not really good at taking pictures) of what a few tanks look like and how the room presents itself overall. But this is only a small substitute!

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken Lheteracanthus_rot

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken Ldumus_rot

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken Ltigris_gelb

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken Hzebra_schwarz

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken Hsubviridis_grau

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken H174_schwarz

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken Ltentaculatus_grau

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken Ltentaculatus_grau_2

Neuer Raum 271215 Becken NZ_L262_gelb